If you had told me one year ago today that I'd accomplish this much in the next 365 days, I woulda called you a dreamer. But as I learned through the course of this tumultuous and eventful 2007, expect the least expected in life.
Change invaded my life like a cold front from the Arctic. Perspectives changed. People around me changed, or perhaps more likely, my vision for the past/present/future all altered in some way. Standing at the top of the hill of 2007, I can tell you the view is breathtaking. In every sense, 2007 was a major life-changing year.

I avidly pursued my goals during this year and I had fun while I was at it. I met countless captivating and intriguing people and on the China trip especially, I saw things that really makes me more appreciative of the world I live in.
The best part about 2007? I've gained a lot and lost little. (Weight-wise too!) That's what makes me so satisfied. I feel the motivation to power through the incoming 2008. I expect a lot, and there's nothing holding me back. 2007 will forever remain as the year when maturity and realization of life hit me like a roaring train.
The list of people I want to thank is too long. That's a good thing. For today, I will only give a general shout out to everyone who deserves it, and you know who you are! In 2008, I promise to spend valuable moments with friends and family even more meaningfully. I will try to be happy and grateful because believe me, time flies! There is no way to forecast how by next year, on December 31st, 2008, what my reflection article will be like, hopefully better written than this one.
For me, 2007 has, without any hint of a doubt, been the best year of my life...yet. ...and that "yet" is the good news. I know there will be better years to come. For now, I'll just sit back, relax and hit the play button on the film of memories.
Oh, I almost forgot my New Year's Resolution: 1. Make Harry and I's Internet Radio Show a popular crowd-pleaser. 2. Beat the Danny of 2007 in terms of kindness, creativity, vocabulary, school/community involvement, intelligence and willpower. Hey, maybe I won't forget my resolution this year now that it's recorded on this blog.
So with 2 and a half hours to go in 2007, we hail good-bye to the year that was but not to the pleasant memories that tags along with it. ...and say bonjour to an embracing 2008!
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