Dear Mrs. Clinton,
When this exhilarating race for the Democratic nomination began almost 14 months ago, there was a clear frontrunner and it was you. But it is time now you accept the fact that it is no longer the status quo. You are no longer in control of the game and no matter how hard you try to slam your opponent down, as we've seen recently, it will not work and this nomination will not be yours.
I'm sure you are a nice lady who is intelligent and full of ideas, but there is something happening in the United States of America. This is something very inspiring and captivating. It is an all-out, goosebump-generating, plague-like infectious, JFK-reminiscent movement that's much more than just politics.
Your rival, young Senator Barack Obama has attracted flocks of the young an
d the young-at-heart to speak up for what each individual believes in. He has touched the Democratic base, vacuumed in the energetic and frantic Independents and even swooped in some Republicans into camp. This is a wave of ordinary citizens linking arms together and reaching up for what they believe in. (Not to mention, chanting "Yes We Can!")

Senator Clinton, America is at a time when it needs a new generation of leadership. It was the same scenario, 47 years ago, when then Senator Kennedy defied all odds to ascend to the presidency. American wants and craves for a young, charismatic and well-spoken leader who can inspire. Senator Obama is that man. He is the new generation of leadership.
You have sent a good message to the people of America via this campaign. I appreciate your experience, but you probably know oh-so-well that this time, it's about change. As harsh as it may sound, you do not represent that change. You have already had a chance to enjoy the luxuries of being a resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Seeing that America is a nation of opportunities, I kindly ask you to step aside so someone else can enjoy those luxuries as well. Think about it, if you become President and are re-elected, America's executive branch of government will have been occupied by the same 2 families for 28 years. To me, and I'm sure millions of others would agree, that should not happen in the nation that calls itself "the Last Best Hope on Earth".
In the recent months, your approach to running the campaign has been on a gravitational freefall. You could not accept defeat in Iowa and New Hampshire, so you shed tears in a plea for sympathy. Your hubby joined in on the act, waggling his arrogant finger at the media. Oh, and did Bill not imply that Barack Obama won the state of South Carolina just because of his race and that the votes of SC are just merely based on race, nothing more?
There's more, Mrs. Clinton, you celebrated "victories" in Florida and Michigan when there were no races there at all, and even though those states had been stripped of voting rights long before the primary process even began, your husband claims afterward that Senator Obama is disenfranchising the two states by not recognizing the votes. On the subject of Bill, it shocks me as to how the charming former President of the United States could grow so stubborn and hypocritical for the sake of personal gain.
You've also tried to yell at Senator Obama; accused him of plagiarism; disillusioned the media and voters on the fact that he never trailed you a single minute in the hard delegate count. And explain to me, and Senator Obama, why you offered to take him as your VP despite all your claims that he is "unsuited" for office? By the way, when you claimed your "Bosnia sniper fire experience" was just a mistake and was perhaps due to sleep deprivation, I you, not with you, and became deeply concerned for the part of your brain used for memory. Not only that, I don't see how anybody could trust a candidate who claims she made a spoken error due to sleep deprivation and also released a tv ad saying she's best qualified to answer the White House phone at 3 in the morning.
Mrs. Clinton, time and time again, Senator Obama has handled controversies and tough times in this campaign much better than you and with much more class. Senator Obama knows how to be on good terms with the press. Senator Obama consistently congratulates you on winning primaries, while you seldom mirror him in that action. He can explain his views on subjects cleanly and clearly. Barack may be the new kid on the block, but damn, do people love him!
Mrs. Clinton, I urge you to look ahead and weigh on decisions concerning the status of your party. I may be an outsider looking in, but it is increasingly obvious who is most popular with the voters in America. Not only that, the world is ready to embrace the leadership of Barack Obama. They have grown tired of having to deal with Clintons and Bushes. No offense, but we just want someone new!
You may continue to pursue your presidential ambitions, but at this point in time, it should not be with the Democratic Party. The Dems, in case you don't read the morning paper or watch the evening news, are losing precious support each day and this dragging race is one of the factors. After 8 years of the egregious Bush administration, I truly believe Americans are staunchly on the Democrats' ship, but your negativity has prompted many to jump into the water again. Already clinging to weak leadership in Congress, the next President should be a strong Democrat whose statements are to be taken as facts, not opinions. There are lots of mind-boggling issues waiting for the next Commander-in-Chief, and for the sake of love, please don't let a 71 year-old Republican take that job!
Superdelegates, to me, are to vote at their free will, but should consider their choice meticulously, and that means taking their constituents' voices into serious account. One thing we have learned in 2008 is that this election belongs to the People. USA is a democracy, not a bureaucracy. It is on that note, I politely ask you to drop your candidacy for President. The time has come for you to step aside and let a man who was born in Hawaii and serves the Land of Lincoln, who has Kenyan and Kansas parentage, who was once tutored in Indonesia, who can communicate with people from all walks of life, who can powerfully lead a nation into an uncertain future step up to what he is capable of.
We are ready for the era of President Obama!
Best Regards,
-Danny Zhang
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