Prorogation sucks!
It's undemocratic, lame, and even dictatorial.
I don't know why the Governor General agreed to the Prime Minister's request to suspend Parliament yesterday. It's utter stupidity. Now, we have no lawmakers for 2 months, as the country sinks even deeper into an economic crisis. And why is this? 'Cause the Conservative Prime Minister wants to save his job. It's all about keeping face and I dearly hope the coalition together so that Mr. Harper gets the message that enough is enough!
No body is holding him accountable now. It is infuriating. And definitely one of the most classless acts Mr. Harper has ever done.
Okay, just had to get my political emotions off my chest.
Now to sports. I was flabbergasted that Sam Mitchell was given the pink slip this week. The man was Coach of the Year just a couple seasons ago. And the Raptors weren't even THAT horrible. It was a streak of mediocrity that I think could be easily turned around. But I also respect Colangelo's audacity and risk-taking style.
I believe Jay Triano has what it takes to lead the Raptors team until the end of the season. He's a very smart man, and has plenty of experience. 
Brian Burke's finally here! This is only one step in what I see as a rebuilding in the Leafs organization. It is clear that the old ways will not work for Toronto. Don't even hope for Sundin anymore. In 2008, it's all about change!! :) And the Leafs, if they expect to win a Cup anytime soon, has got to make colossal changes! Burke's a good start, now let's see what he can bring.
Jays cut 24 front office jobs this week. One sign that no body can escape the economic downturn.
Speaking of the economy, 533 000 jobs were cut in the US last month alone. I'm surprised the Dow's only down 20 points right now.
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