Friday, 29 February 2008

February 29th

If it was any other year, I'd be in bed...but nah, I gotta have a "February 29th" somewhere on my blog...

So, I'll do a short rant on some things, then go to I have a minor cold.

Brad Richards to out for the Stars, not a bad deal for Tampa either.

Let's check some NBA scores: Raptors lose a winnable one vs. Pacers..well, Mike Dunleavy was unstoppable tonight. 36 points and 6 three's for the guy at the ACC. However, I'm still happy to see Bargnani bettering himself now, finishing with 27 points before fouling out late. Parker added 25, proving his value as usual. Our PG's did well, TJ with 15 and Jose with 13. Not a bad game, but lackluster defense cost it...122-11 Indiana.

So Houston's streak's up to 14 now...impressive! Seeing that they'll have to feel their way through the next couple months without Yao, it's gonna be tough, especially in that Western Conference where things are prison tight.

Spring Training's started, but I'm not looking too much into it. It's just warm up time...wins mean nothing and losses are just mistakes to learn from. Though, it'd be nice to see the Jays actually winning at least some of these games, for pride and strategy's sake.

Anyway, FBI wants to investigate Roger Clemens...all I got on this is that they can dig as deep as they want into this issue. I frankly don't care. I don't care what Roger Clemens took, the fact of the matter is, baseball should stop regretting its past and move on. And a tip for Congress...instead of picking bones with athletes, how 'bout doing some legitimate policy work that will help the American people?! Oil's at $103 a barrel, Nancy Pelosi! The economy is on the brink of a recession, if not already in one, Harry Reid! Do something about that!

Tomorrow's the weekend!


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