...and Jason Kapono championed the long-ball event...
...Deron Williams obstacled his way through the Skills Challenge...
...Super Howard went from being underrated to being overrated with 2 insanely-popular-and-impressive-but-not-so-deserving-of-100-full-points slam dunks...
...Daniel Gibson drained 33 points in the Rookie/Sophomore Challenge, all via 3 pointers...
...last but not least, the East edged the West in a three possession defeat in jazzy New Orleans.
A couple opinions: Dwight Howard did not deserve a 50 on that Superman dunk! He merely threw the ball into the net. I don't care if he has a Superman cape on, or Spider-Man or 007 suit on, Jamario Moon's second dunk in the First Round was much better. Howard comes no where close to Moon's elevation and he didn't even touch the rim!
Chris Paul was amazing for the West last night, but noooooooooooo, we had to stick with tradition and pick a guy from the winning side to be MVP.
Harry and I will be on air to debate all these topics plus a couple more concerning hockey and baseball. We hope you'll be tuning in at 7 PM this Wednesday, the 20th!
and etc...
Excited about MLB going to China, hope this is a tipping point in terms of popularizing the sport in the world's most populous nation.
Johan and Pedro will be scary come Opening Day. Watch out for the Mets!
Jays should go with Jesse Litsch for 5th starter...but again, it's only February 18th.
Roger Clemens' hearing was such a waste of 4 hours. More lies and no use whatsoever for MLB's "War on Steroids". Stop focusing on the past and concentrate on prevention in the future.
Politico Watch:
Congrats to Kosovo declaring independence. The world may not be fully ready to accept your status!...but at least I am!
Hawaii and Wisconsin Primaries for Democrats tomorrow...the Yes We Can chant will spread across Heartland America and in the Aloha State! Otherwise, just another see-if-Mike-Huckabee-survives day for GOP fans!
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