The Opening Ceremony, spanning about 4 hours and 15 minutes, is without a doubt, the best ever welcoming show put on by any host nation. Everything from synchronization to the fireworks to the Parade of Nations and oh yes...the lighting of the cauldron, was executed perfectly and meticulously.
It all began with a countdown, unique right from the get-go. Hundreds of drummers sprinkled neatly on the floor gave the cue for the ceremony to commence. Then, they impressed the world by beating on their instruments with unbelievable synchronization. The drummers were followed by several cultural performances that truly highlighted the rich and deep roots of China. The role of youths and children in the performances was another element that brought a smile to many faces.
Just prior to the march of the athletes, an unlikely duet in British soprano Sarah Brightman and Chinese pop star Liu Huan set the romantic mood for the night by singing the theme song for the Beijing Games—which had been kept secret—"You and Me".
Ensuing the theme song came the athletes. Two hundred and four nations and their proud representatives strolled into the Nest accompanied by a cycle of music that could've used some improvement. When the Irish team came strolling in, there was Chinese music in the background and yet when the Kenyan team was introduced, bag pipes were belting out familiar tunes. Someone forgot to hire a good DJ! Aside from the music, the Parade of Nations finished without a glitch. The athletes were all smiling, the dignitaries gracefully waved to their respective contingents and the tireless volunteers danced away from 2 whole hours.
Short, formal and somewhat boring speeches by IOC Prez Jacque Rogge and BOCOG head Liu Qi were followed by the official opening of the Games by President Hu JinTao and the introduction of the Olympic Flag. Eight well-know Chinese athletes carried the Five Rings around the Stadium before handing it off to stern PLA soldiers for the raising ceremony. As the Olympic Flag ascended to the top of its pole, it began flapping in an artificial wind designed for that very purpose.
The traditional Athlete and Judge's Oaths were respectfully taken and then the arrival of the sacred torch with the Olympic flame tailing in the wind. Carried into the packed Bird's Nest by Xu HaiFeng, China's first ever Olympic champion, it was subsequently passed to athletic legends Gao Ming, Li XiaoShuang, Zhan XuGang, Zhang Jun, Chen Zhong, Sun JingFang and lastly—Li Ning, a 6 time Olympic medalist in gymnastics who now has his own sportswear brand. Li was lifted off the ground to the awe of the crowd and airwalked on a rolling mat on the circumference of the Nest before coming to a stop just below the intricately designed cauldron.
In a goosebump generating moment, Li lit a fuse leading the flame into the cauldron followed a ear splitting roar from the 91 000 in attendance. It was the appropriate breathtaking finale for the best Opening Ceremony ever. And in that moment, 4 billion people around the globe felt the gripping power of that vaunted flame.
The Olympics are underway. What will unfold over the next 16 days remains to be seen.
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