Wednesday 3 December 2008

Constitutional Crisis

Think the Florida Recount in 2000 was a test for the US Constitution??!!

Think again!!

Right now, right here in Canada, our own constitution is getting tested in unprecedented ways. Just 7 weeks ago, on October 14th, the Canadians elected a Conservative minority government. Parliament officially opened on November 19th. On November 27th, the Finance Minister tabled the government's economic statement, a move that would prove as costly as poison.

The opposition parties, which compose the majority of the House of Commons, united together and tabled a motion of no confidence. That vote was originally scheduled for this Monday, but the Prime Minister pushed it back to December 8th.

This week, parliamentarians and commoners alike have been engaged in fierce debate about what the government should do. If the motion passes next Monday, the Conservative minority falls and there are two options. There could be another election, though costly and fatiguing. Or, the Governor General will ask the opposition parties to work together in a coalition government. The latter has already been arranged, all that needs to be done is the vote.

To add to the incredible circumstances, the Prime Minister will ask the Governor General tomorrow to prorogue parliament, a term many of us have never heard before, and probably will never use again. It means that the House will go on holiday break until the Conservatives bring their budget forth on January 27th. The GG is entitled to reject the PM's prorogation request, but it would be extraordinary.

If Parliament indeed gets prorogated, we'd have to wait until January 27th to see these MPs heckle eachother again. The coalition may hold in place until then, but the possibility of an election will increase by the new year. And then there's the issue of Dion becoming Prime Minister. And if we go into an election campaign in the spring, the Liberals will have to do so with Dion as lame duck leader with their leadership convention in May.

This is complicated and entirely political. But for now, I am enjoying the daily hour of shouting match-Question Period! You should check it out on the net! Amazing, heated exchanges.

Well, the drama continues and we can only wait...


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