Tuesday 5 May 2009

Sailing Right Along

Over the weekend, the Blue Jays swept their first series of the season, putting down the O's in three fabulous games that were won on basic baseball skills-pitching, hitting, defense.

But hold on a sec. Let me just say that I got TWO baseballs from Friday night's match. I got there for BP as usual. I asked the groundscrew in the bullpen to throw up a ball that was lying on the grass/turf. He tossed it up to my friend instead. No worries. That was cool.

For the next half an hour, there were quite a few homers that came to my section. One headed right for the first row. I lined myself up with it. I stuck my glove out, instead it zoomed by and richocheted off the second row. This other, older man and I struggled for it. I swooped it up blindly and the two of us made peace.

That was the only ball I received in BP. We wandered around for most of the game. The ushers let us go down to the Jays dugout with two outs in the ninth. I darted down to the dugout roof as soon as the ball was put into play. The Jays came out in celebration. Travis Snider and one other player had a ball in their hands. I yelled for it. Snider tossed it to another section. The other player tossed it in my direction, but being the short kid I am, I stood no chance against the taller, more aggressive, and may I say gloveless people behind me.

However, I made my way to the end of the dugout where the batboy was still cleaning up. I asked him if there was any chance of getting a ball. He said to wait up a sec. After he finished his business, he took some balls out of a bucket and handed to all the kids who he had promised. What a nice guy! This ball was nicely rubbed up with mud. It might've been game used as there was a little brown scuff.

Friday night was fun! And especially because earlier in the day, I had been declared the winner of my school's student council elections. So as of right now, I am the President-elect of the Student Leadership Council. There's a hell lotta work to do but when your hardwork pays off, it's an amazing feeling. I have alot of ambitious plans for next year and I'm really excited to start working with the new council.


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