Sunday 1 March 2009


*To divert from sports this time, this is for my best buddies.*

They're your companions, your pals, your buddies.

They're always there when you need them.

Friends are some of the best people in the world and I'm lucky to have many. They're the paddles in your kayak, your key to certain locks in life.

There are some friends who are my buddies, but every so often, there are people who you bond with so closely that they become part of family. I have a few of such best friends.

They're the ones who stay up until midnight to talk with me about the ups and downs in life, with whom I discuss the past and the future, from whom I receive some of my most trusted advice.

They're the ones who are willing to stand in the lunch line for me, because I've left mine at home, who then delivers it to the opposite corner of the school where I'm having a meeting.

They're the ones who live 35 kilometres away but enthusiastically comes back to watch movies with us, who invites us over so we can all go skiing together.

They're the ones who sit and chat with me for two hours in a coffee shop so I can make the right decision on things.

These are the types of friends I have. I am grateful for what they've done for me, and for what they've taught me.

I love you all!


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